Moxe Health

10 questions to help you vet Clinical Data Exchange vendors

Choosing a clinical data exchange vendor can feel overwhelming. How do you know which vendors will measure up to your stringent data security and privacy standards? How do you know if a vendor will be able to flex with you as your data release...

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Streamlining chart retrieval drives better outcomes

The need for more timely, accurate clinical data led one national payer to automate chart retrieval. Working with Moxe, the payer has direct...

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How automating ROI improves payer relations

While payers and providers share the goal of delivering their members/patients high quality, affordable healthcare, the best ways to work together...

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3 Ways Moxe Improves Revenue Cycle Management

When people think of healthcare, providers and patient experience tend to float to the top of their minds, but there are many backstage actors...

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How Moxe is Helping Organizations Achieve Value-Based Care

The latest data from CMS is disheartening. It shows that U.S. healthcare spending in 2020 was over $4 trillion—more than $12,530 per person and still...

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Reducing waste to save healthcare—and the planet

Waste is something that drives all of us at Moxe crazy. There’s a lot of it in healthcare. One-third of healthcare costs can be attributed to...

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Solving the HIM Challenge of Managing Seasonal Spikes in Chart Requests

With shrinking budgets and limited resources, HIM teams are looking for ways to manage the daunting volumes of chart requests that come from payers...

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