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Eliminate Breaches by Removing Potential for Human Error

We need to stop faxing patient charts. It is archaic. And quite frankly, it is irresponsible, as it increases the potential for breaches.

We have people typing numbers on a fax machine – and essentially on a wing and a prayer – hoping personal, private medical data gets to the right place and to the right person. It’s not surprising that there are so many breaches due to the use of fax machines; it’s easy to make a mistake.

Disclosure of personal or identifiable information can be devastating to your patients. On top of the disclosure, if you’re a CFO, you’re financially liable for each of those breaches. Taking a look at industry websites (e.g., you see a number of health systems and insurers each week getting reprimanded and paying fines.

The problem is that we rely on people to process and fulfill chart requests. We are all human, and humans make mistakes (see my previous blog). Your people have to fill out forms and then fax them in a complicated and arduous process. They have to constantly manage requirements on an insurer-by-insurer, nursing home-by nursing-home, case manager-by-case manager basis.

This is where Moxe comes in.

Playing by the Rules to Eradicate Breaches

When you get down to it, Moxe is a rules-based evaluation tool – we refer to as a clinical data clearinghouse.

Before you release patients’ information, our application runs a set of rules. As we step through the process, we collect only the required information to evaluate each specific rule: Is this a confidential visit? Are there restricted notes? Then we evaluate the next rule, and then the next rule, and so on. In the end, if every single rule is passed – only then does the system complete the release of information.

This provides peace of mind. The process is automated. There is no need to think about it, as we work together and have the conversations with you to design and build your release rules. (Of course, we work with the people who oversee your compliance and record retrieval operations, so we can continue to iterate and provide the best process.)

Approaching the Problem Differently

There are other companies that do what we do, but most of them approach the problem in a very different fashion. We solve the problem with technology, using it to our advantage to eliminate waste and human errors.  Others solve it by throwing a different workforce of people at the problem.

They build in a quality assurance process – which is better than not having it – but they still attack the problem by throwing people at it.

And the way they fulfill most of those requests is by sending them to a print shop in their basement or warehouse. (Think security by chain link fences.) They print the records, load them onto a mail or UPS truck, and then ship them out.

At every single point of this process, there is the potential for a breach.

Eliminating Human Errors and Saving Trees

Moxe transmits data electronically. We do not make copies of your patients’ records. Your data is never on one of our machines or a flash drive. When your patients’ clinical information is in Moxe’s hands, it lives only in the cloud. It remains encrypted at all times and physically protected by the industry leader in cloud computing.

At Moxe, we are very serious about how we handle, manage, and transmit all the personal and individually identifiable health information of your patients. We provide you (and your patients) peace of mind when it comes to security, compliance, and breaches.