Healthcare Data Blog | Moxe Health News & Insights

Listen First, Solve Second

Written by Beth Zuehlke | 4/2/24 1:00 PM


One of the things that makes Moxe unique is that we work with health systems of all sizes, from small community sites with limited resources to the largest health systems in the country. We want to be anywhere clinical data is needed because we believe we can deliver the most precise, secure, and usable data, most efficiently. 


While the underlying architecture we use to facilitate clinical data exchange is the same no matter who we work with, health systems’ needs can differ dramatically. We are committed to understanding each health system’s unique resources and overall objectives so we can best partner with them. 


This, I think, is where Moxe really shines in our work with providers: We bring a tech-first, meticulously engineered, privacy-centric clinical data exchange solution to our customers, but we don’t expect one size to fit all. Our solutions are designed to be flexible so we can tailor them to reflect our health systems’ data security and privacy needs. Our solutions are also flexible so they can keep pace with evolving regulatory demands (see my colleague Greg’s blog on HHS’s proposed disincentives here for just one example of such a demand). 


The big questions

When we begin working with any health system, we keep a couple of questions top of mind:

  1. What are their particular goals? What are they trying to accomplish? 

  2. How can we help them manage their clinical data exchange strategy to ensure it's secure, compliant, and efficient?

In taking a “listen first, offer solutions second” approach, we seek to truly understand each customer’s business objectives to determine how we can bring the most value. We understand that most customers are dealing with some level of resource scarcity, so we try to help customers add value without requiring them to invest in a lot of additional IT resources.


A symbiotic relationship

As a tech-first solution, Moxe focuses on ways to improve our solutions to better serve our customers, the healthcare ecosystem, and ultimately help solve one of the most pressing challenges of our time: making healthcare more affordable.


By taking time to truly listen to our health system partners and understand their business objectives and challenges, we can improve our solutions and what we’re able to offer to our customers. 


We understand that most customers are dealing with some level of resource scarcity, so we try to help customers add value without requiring them to invest in a lot of additional IT resources. 


A recent example of how feedback from our customers shaped our offerings is the expansion of our Release of Information (ROI) solution. 


We’re modernizing ROI to support more use cases by combining technology and expert support. The decision to augment our technology with best-in-class ROI experts largely came out of feedback from KLAS Research’s Emerging Technology Spotlight performance report. In addition to highlighting how happy our customers are with our digital ROI solution, it also shined a light on our customers’ desire for us to help solve more of their ROI challenges. 


Having our own ROI experts in the field will elevate our product, alleviate customer pain points, and advance ROI. I’m looking forward to seeing what we can accomplish with our health system partners in this space in the coming months. 


The best compliment 

As Moxe’s Chief Customer Officer, I relish hearing from our health system customers about how Moxe is making a difference for them.


Whether it’s appreciation for a custom-reporting solution, kind words shared about a Customer Success Manager’s work ethic and character, or acknowledgement of the time savings Moxe’s solutions have afforded them, it encourages my team to know that the work we’re doing is transformative for both payers and health systems.


One of the best compliments my team has received to date came recently in the form of a “rebound” customer. 


After going live with Moxe in 2020, Peterson Health System made the decision in 2023 to completely outsource their ROI program; they signed with a vendor that could do just that. Like many health systems, they were under-resourced and feeling overwhelmed with the mounting demand for clinical data. In signing with the vendor that would take over their ROI work, they had to agree to cut all contracts with other vendors providing ROI support, including Moxe.


In their exit interview with Moxe, they expressed they loved working with us and hoped to work with us again in the future. The feelings were mutual, and we hoped we could work with them again one day, too! 


About a year into their decision to outsource their ROI program, I got an email from Peterson’s Executive Director of Revenue Cycle, Compliance and Privacy Officer. 


It said (shared with permission), “While our time apart has been short, we have learned a great deal about the value add that Moxe brought to the table. I would like to see if we could get our partnership back in place.”


In talking with the Peterson team, they shared that while they thought outsourcing ROI would mean more time for their team to focus on tasks and projects that would benefit more from their team’s expertise, unfortunately, they found their complaints, including those from payers, went way up. The time they thought their team was getting back was increasingly being used to deal with complaints.  


“While our time apart has been short, we have learned a great deal about the value add that Moxe brought to the table.”


Of course, we were thrilled that Peterson wanted to resume our partnership, and we are working to get them live with Moxe again. We’re looking forward to partnering with them to bring as much value to their ROI program and other areas as possible. 


At the end of the day, that’s the ultimate goal of the Customer Success team: Bring the most value as possible to our customers. We’re grateful to Peterson and each of our customers who trust us to partner with them to problem solve and help them exceed their business goals.



Learn more about our modern approach to Release of Information. There is a better way.