2 min read

Using Moxe’s APIs to Streamline Chart Retrieval

Moxe recently launched our API documentation site to make implementation easier and our APIs more accessible to developers looking for an easy-to-integrate chart retrieval solution.

Our APIs allow payers and requestors to see exactly how their requests must be structured in order to receive the information they need for risk adjustment, quality improvement, claims management, payment integrity, and a growing list of other use cases. 

What is the API site used for?

Our chart retrieval APIs ingest Release of Information (ROI) requests and search EHRs to uncover rich, contextual clinical data that support payment and operations cases. We then securely deliver that data to your system in the preferred format. 

Requestors must provide a memberId and/or subscriberId, and demographic data in order for us to find the patient in the EHR. Using this information, we extract the clinical data for the given date range of service for the specified patient.

How do I get access to Moxe’s APIs?

In order to ensure compliance with safety standards, all requestors must first have an established relationship to authorize their access to the health system’s data. Written authorization of the provider’s approval to access their data is required before Moxe “turns on” the connection. After this approval is received, Moxe will send a token to the requestor via email. 

What are the advantages of using APIs?

APIs are a powerful tool for organizations looking to gain efficiencies and eliminate manual processes. For chart retrieval, using an API over a traditional flat file has many advantages, including:

  • Faster turnaround time: When you submit a flat file of chart requests, it can often take days or weeks to receive the information you need. When you do receive the requested information, you may find that some charts are missing due to incomplete/inaccurate data. When you use our APIs, you receive an immediate response as to the validity of the data input and can make needed corrections in real time. 
  • Viewing latest status: During the busiest chart retrieval seasons, having up-to-date information on where your chart requests stand is important. When you use our APIs, you can view chart status on demand by calling our status API endpoint.

How can Moxe’s APIs be used for claim management workflows?

Providers can leverage our claim management APIs to contest denied claims from payers. Depending on the denial reason, we will pull either a full or partial patient chart to send back to the payer on the provider’s behalf.

What are some of the upcoming enhancements to Moxe’s APIs?

As with all of our products, we are continuously evaluating our API offering to improve features and capabilities. Notably, we will be adding new APIs under a login for our partners to connect to the latest features where users can implement FHIR APIs to retrieve or send data via our secure, interoperable platform.

If you have additional questions about Moxe’s API capabilities, check out our FAQs, or reach out to us hello@moxehealth.com to learn more.

About the author

As a Senior Product Manager at Moxe Health, Becca Groner manages Moxe’s bi-directional solution, Convergence. She brings experience—and a passion for—building applications for patients, payers, and providers.