
Moxe Health Blog



I Wish They All Could Be California (Data Privacy) Laws

Editor’s Note: This is part of a shared blog series between Trifecta General Counsel and Moxe, chronicling the journey to research and understand the...

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Virginia is for Lovers (of Data Privacy)

Trifecta General Counsel and Moxe Health have joined to present this series, helping you understand interactions between state privacy laws and...

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50 Shades of Privacy: Understanding State-based Data Compliance

Editor’s Note: This is the first of a shared blog series between Trifecta General Counsel and Moxe, chronicling the journey to research and...

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Cybercriminals Focus on Healthcare and Senior Executives

Ransomware across all industries has declined since 2015. That’s the good news. The bad news is that that cyber-gangs are focusing on government,...

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PHI Faxed to the Same Wrong Number for Years

For years, a used-computer store in Saskatchewan has been receiving patient records over its fax line. The owner has tried to be nice about it, but...

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The Cloud – What the Heck is it, Actually?

Thank goodness for the cloud! Whatever it is. (So to really understand it, I asked its creator.) Some may tout it as the be-all cure-all, but what...

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The Security Problem You Don’t Know You Have

You likely have a problem with security. Only problem is, you don’t know about it. My introduction to healthcare came from my mother. She worked as a...

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