3 min read

Care Management Optimization: Gaps Closed at the Point of Care

Moxe integrates payer data insights so you can accurately diagnose and close gaps directly from your EMR at the point of care. 

“The number one cause for physician burnout is too many bureaucratic tasks, such as paperwork. Moxe Convergence consolidates the review of conditions, and suppresses redundancies, into one cohesive workflow. “

Better patient care starts with accurate and complete patient data. Painting the broadest picture of a patient’s health history can be complex. Sorting through past records and entrusting a patient’s recall ability can often leave holes in the full story and take clerical hours to source and document. 

Bi-directional information sharing between health plans and health systems allows for a more complete picture. Collaborating with payers is key to providing patients with the best care and successfully managing outcomes. Whether addressing quality or care gaps or simply providing continuous care across all venues, your clinicians can benefit from information found outside your EMR. And what if you could even go one step further and incorporate third-party partner data, such as population health tools? 

Connect the dots with Moxe Convergence: Insights for expanded diagnosis shared directly within the EMR workflow


How does Convergence work?

Convergence streamlines the clinical data workflow to capture insights for patient’s conditions that are not currently included in the patient’s chart. The bi-directional flow of information can take insights found outside the EMR, de-duplicate any redundancies already accounted for in the patient’s chart with our suppression logic, and illuminate additional conditions that may otherwise go uncaptured with provided supporting evidence. 

We’ve optimized Convergence for use by physicians and clinical support staff, so all data is integrated and configured into existing workflows within the EMR.

Our Convergence platform is embedded within the EMR and creates seamless, bi-directional communication between clinicians and their partners (e.g., health plans or population health tools); as partners develop insights, these can be shared with clinicians at the point of care. Our solution allows clinicians to interact with payer data and insights directly within the existing EMR workflow which makes it simple to review insights generated outside of your organization. 

“At one health system, Moxe’s Convergence closed an average of 7,000/mo additional conditions that otherwise would have gone uncaptured.”

Data from health plans and other partners, including your population health tools, value-based-care vendors, and other sources, is displayed in your workflows and is easy to file back to your EMR so you can close more gaps, right within your existing workflow. 


Will doctors really use it? 

According to a report by Medscape, the number one cause for physician burnout is too many bureaucratic tasks, such as paperwork. Moxe Convergence consolidates the review of conditions into one cohesive workflow. Our filtering logic suppresses duplicative conditions—an average of 4,500/mo at one implemented health system—thereby reducing the amount of clerical work during a patient visit.

Experience shows a 50% increase in gap reconciliation when the workflow occurs at the point of care. Providing clinicians targeted information in their existing EMR workflow eliminates abrasion and improves engagement. For example, at one health system, Moxe’s Convergence closed an average of 7,000/mo additional conditions that otherwise would have gone uncaptured. 

And with Moxe, Convergence is embedded directly into the existing workflow within the EMR—no portals required. 

“Take insights found outside the EMR, de-duplicate any redundancies already accounted for in the patient’s chart, and illuminate additional conditions that may otherwise go uncaptured.”

Gaps closed at the point of care. When the patient visit is over, Moxe’s Convergence solution will automatically generate and send the necessary clinical documentation to the health plan. 


Looking to improve your health system’s care management?

9 Reasons Moxe Convergence may be the right choice for you: 

  1. Fully integrates directly in the EMR, no portals, paper, or additional logins 
  2. Reconciles gaps in care by reviewing chronic conditions and validating data within the EMR and information provided by payers
  3. Deploys robust suppression logic to only service conditions that are not found within the patient’s diagnosis list
  4. Eliminates the need for physicians to duplicate documentation or retroactively update patient’s records
  5. Provides actionable reporting insights at an accepted/rejected condition level
  6. Ensures all information accepted in Convergence is automatically noted, filed, and routed
  7. Provides a single platform for physicians to automatically generate and submit data, resulting in an increase in accepted conditions 
  8. Messages outstanding quality measures so clinician staff can easily schedule routine care without hassle or delay
  9. Creates a replicable process to close gaps in care through a consolidated workflow that ingests multiple data sources, including payers, 3rd party vendors, and additional provider sites